Business & Economy

Job opportunities for media graduates and radio enthusiasts rise as more community radio stations are licenced.

THE Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) has issued operators’ licences to eight community radio stations across the country giving more oppurtinities for media graduates around the country.

The licenced stations include; Radio Balanga, Matobo Community Radio Trust (CRT), Chimanimani CRT, Vemuganga CRT, Ndau CRT, Twasumbuka CRT, Madziwa CRT, and Patsaka Nyaminyami Trust, which will be known as Kasambabezi FM.

In an interview BAZ acting Chief Executive Officer, Matthius Chakanyuka  said “After licensing the stations should be operational within eighteen (18) months, failure of which the licences will be automatically revoked as stipulated by the Broadcasting Services Act,”.

This is a good turn of events for Zimbabwean youth considering that the new licences from BAZ will open industrial attachment and job opportunities for students who study in this field and  those who have recently graduated. ​

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