Bank to host Agribusiness Value Chain in Zim webinar

First Capital Bank will, on the 7th of October 2021, host a webinar on the agribusiness value chain in Zimbabwe to inform all interested stakeholders on key opportunities and how to navigate challenges faced in the agriculture business.
The panel will be made up of six individuals, Mutemwa Ushewokunze, the Commercial Director of First Capital Bank Zimbabwe; Hon. Vangelis Haritatos, Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement; Tatenda Marume, Export Development Manager at ZimTrade and Paul Zakariya, Secretary General and Head of secretariat of Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union.
To complete the panel, the Co-Founder of Fresh In A Box, Agriculture Tech entrepreneur, Farmer Kuda Musasiwa and Farai Mwakutuya, the moderator will be part of this webinar that will be live on LinkedIn and it will be from 10am to 12pm.
This webinar comes at a time where the nation is under lockdown due to COVID-19 making the event ideal regarding the need to stay safe. The virtual meeting is by registration on the social media site LinkedIn. Those interested in taking part of it are required to register beforehand.
To succeed in agriculture it is imperative to take the venture as a business for it to thrive, grow and contribute to the local economy. Such events will help unlock new doors in Zimbabwe’s agribusiness, especially for export. A ZimTrade’s representative will make it easier for attendees wanting information on export to gather the much needed knowledge regarding export of their produce.
First Capital Bank operates one of the biggest and oldest commercial banking networks in Zimbabwe with 32 branches and service centres in major cities and towns, according to its website. The bank also finances agriculture as a seasonal facility made available to the agriculture sector, mainly tobacco growers to assist with the growing and marketing of the crop. Other commercial enterprises eligible under this facility include seed maize, tea, coffee, sugarcane, and livestock producers.