Local Governance

City of Harare gives notice to illegal settlers at Mbudzi interchange

The city of Harare council has served over 320 people settled on the Mbudzi interchange road serve with a 48 hour notice to remove their structures without council assistance.

Council is well known by citizens for using bulldozers to remove illegal structures and chances are high if these 48 hours lapse, they will use them. According to a tweet they sent out today, the interchange is a national project and affected residents will be allocated space elsewhere. The new site for the dispersed has not been named yet.

“A committee to address the issue is working on the matter” read part of the tweet and the city fathers are frequently in a cat and mouse chase with individuals they deem illegal settlers, be it in Harare’s CBD, its outskirts and on road servitude.

Not long ago, the council was up in arms with illegally set car sales found on road servitudes dotted around the city. The city fathers are trying to bring back sanity to the sunshine city. This will take a lot of work from all those interested in returning the past glory of Harare.

This bold move can be achieved if people, corporates and the council work together to end impunity by some Harare dwellers and those who conduct businesses at illegal points.

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