AgricultureLocal GovernanceTourism and Enviroment

Kunzvi dam, much needed water source

The water supply from Kunzvi Dam to Harare, Chitungwiza and surrounding areas is expected to end water distress for residents. The dam is expected to be completed in 2023 with it providing a constant water supply to citizens having difficulties getting water for daily use, which in-turn affects productivity.

Construction work at the dam has started with some preliminary activities having commenced.

According to the Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe:

“The dam site is 67 kilometres north east of the capital, near Juru Growth Point on the Nyanguvi River. The dam will have the capacity to deliver 158.4million cubic meters of water daily.

In addition to supplying water to Harare and its catchment areas the dam project will provide irrigation water to surrounding communities. Furthermore, the city will save on treatment costs as the project is more upstream than Lake Chivero which is downstream and heavily contaminated with effluent from industries.”

Construction of the dam has been on the table for nearly a decade with work only starting recently. Recipients of the water will have their lives made easier, something a number of them are not familiar with regarding easy access to water.

Usually women and children carry the brunt of the weight of fetching water for daily use and this in-turn may interfere with their work and school. The completion of this project will be a huge help to communities and will give them more time to focus on other activities.

An engineering consulting company based in South Africa, GIBB says on their website, under projects that,

“The water supply scheme project consists of Kunzvi Dam on the Nyagui River, Nora Weir on the Nora River and a channel diverting water from the Nora River to Kunzvi Dam. Tasks included raw water conveyance from Kunzvi Dam to the treatment plant, a water treatment plant, water transmission pipeline and reservoirs, and water distribution pipe network with 3 trunk pipelines.”

This project will advance the developmental side of the nation to reach an upper middle income economy that will benefit all.

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