Will agriculture bolster attainment of vision 2030?

Zimbabwe is said to be experiencing steady economic growth and intellectuals from various fields are on the lookout, SIVIO Institute, an independent think-tank focusing on inclusive socio-economic transformation hosted a dialogue on how mining and agriculture can contribute towards vision 2030, the dialogue was between specialists in these fields and was held today virtually.
Regarding agriculture, the issues discussed included improved gender based participation with more female inclusion, the recovery of production of wheat tobacco cotton since the land reform program, climate smart responses such as Pfumvudza and the ongoing Dam construction being sponsored by the government and relevant stakeholders. Focus on issues such as this can propel agriculture’s contribution towards the targeted upper middle income economy by 2030.
Inclusivity was the main topic brought up by the participants as there is no true economic growth if a number of the populace is still in abject poverty.
Affected production encountered in the past is improving with cited examples in maize and small grains. There is also need to improve financing of small holder farmers if the nation is to improve production and productivity. Women and youth cannot afford to venture into agriculture because of high costs of inputs. CBZ, has monopolised the funding sector and inputs from them are expensive. The bank was described as a commodity broker where farmers get inputs from them 40% higher market price.
There was also talk of how offer letters should be bankable making this more easy for farmers to access financing.
Zimbabwe has potential in the horticulture export industry and there is need for government policies to be changed and also tax incentives for farmers who want to venture into horticulture for export.
The landlocked country has experienced brain drain and there is need to capacitate those into farming with knowledge on how to be successful horticulture farmers.
for the nation to realise vision 2030 there is a lot that needs to be done in agriculture which is one of the economy’s backbone and growth in this industry needs all hands on deck.