By Staff Reporter
The Government says it will continue putting systems in place to implement the Paris Agreement which aims to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.
This was said by the Chief Director Climate Change in the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Mr Washington Zhakata at the launch of a Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) project.
Mr Zhakata said the Government is creating an all inclusive environment that will include state and non state actors in combating climate change and its effects.
The COP26 summit held in 2021 agreed to several resolutions in the fight against climate change, and financing of developing nations such as Zimbabwe was one of the major resolutions.
Climate Change mitigation plans are estimated to cost the Government at least US$4.8 billion which will also be backed by international financial institutions.
Converting waste to energy and generating methane which will be used as a source of energy are some of the elements of the mitigation plan.