
Global Financing Facility for Zimbabwe’s healthcare.

Zimbabwe’s healthcare needs improvement. Citizens are having trouble finding adequate care. General hospitals do not have the capacity to cater for them. The private sector’s fees are too much. In addition, people have no money for it. However, women, children and adolescents are being helped. The government is working with outside help to do this.

The Global Financing Facility

Additionally, this outside help is the Global Financing Facility (GFF). Zimbabwe is part of this multi-stakeholder partnership. Further, the GFF is housed at the World Bank. Its aim is to ensure that women, children and adolescents can thrive and survive. Zimbabwe joined GFF in 2019. In addition, it joined through the ministry of health to improve healthcare.

Importantly, the GFF finances and provides technical assistance. This is to develop and implement prioritised health plans. Moreso, the GFF does this to ensure scaling up access to affordable care. This will benefit women, children and adolescents.

Moreover, GFF works with countries to maximise use of domestic finances. In addition, they help maximise external support for sustainable healthcare. Zimbabwe’s part of this is ideal, it is important for its healthcare. A country’s domestic finance helps improve lives. Also, it ensures local funds are used for good.

How can Zimbabwe benefit?

However, all this only works if Zimbabwe actively participates. These groups of society need all hands on deck for it to work. GFF aims to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition. Additionally, they target to strengthen primary care. Moreso, last year the government made strides to improve. It is time for implementation now for better healthcare.

Women struggle during childbirth. Resources are few and the exodus of health personnel does not make it easy. Local healthcare workers need all the help they can get to improve. A drive like this will be a great help for them. Public maternity hospitals are currently ill equipped. Also, they get overwhelmed as they are understaffed.

Paediatric hospitals face the same problems. They need active involvement by stakeholders. Organisations like Kidzcan need assistance. Kidzcan works with children with cancer. Their job can be made easier with support from GFF and the government. Children’s hospitals in general need assistance. Resources to them will save and improve lives. Children’s healthcare is important as they are the future.

Adolescents’ need for help

Furthermore, adolescents deal with a lot. They struggle with peer pressure and mental health issues. Zimbabwe’s teenagers see bad habits on social media. Just like everywhere else in the world. Additionally, they struggle with drug abuse. Those in higher grades and university deal with blessers. This takes a toll on their health. However, the society is working to help with this. Parents and communities are open to help them. This will improve their healthcare.

These are some of the issues women, children and adolescents face. They need help in these areas. Therefore, the GFF’s involvement is good. A healthy mind is important for a healthy body. Zimbabwe is working on improving mental health access for all.

In summary, Zimbabwe needs all the help it can get. The GFF is working towards being that help. The government is also actively working on it too. It is now time for the nation’s healthcare to improve.

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