
African Green Revolution Forum for food security: Zim’s involvement

Food security in Africa is threatened in a number of countries. The advent of COVID-19 left African countries reeling in many ways. Additionally, it is worsening the decline in food security due to the previous lockdowns. These lockdowns swt back food production of many farmers. However, Africa is coming up with ways to ensure food security for future generations. It created a forum for African agriculture, the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF).

This year’s theme at the annual AGRF summit wasGrow. Nourish. Reward. Bold Actions for Resilient Food Systems. The Forum was held in March 2023 and its resolutions will go a long way to further develop Africa’s food security. It is a call to re-energize commitment and renew the energy in the food systems conversation. Moreover, its focus is on regenerating interest in Agriculture as a means of wealth creation for the continent. This is part of Africa’s future, a future that is bright, welcoming and has food security.

Brief description of AGRF

The Zimbabwean President attended the summit in support of this drive. According to the AGRF website the aim is to unleash the full potential of Africa’s millions of smallholder farmers and their families. Moreso, those who earn their livelihoods from small-scale farms and provide about 80% of the food and agricultural products consumed across the continent. This is a way to realise food security in Africa. Zimbabwe will take part in ensuring smallholder farmers and their families utilise their resources to achieve this.

The AGRF acknowledges that Africa is rising, with signs of prosperity and progress in the lives of millions of individuals and entire economies. However, for all of the signs of progress, Africa still needs to move from food shortage to surplus. Additionally, it needs to drive beneficial continental trade, and create millions of jobs and opportunities. Particularly for women and youth. Business and progress as usual are not enough for these aspirations, so the Forum looks at how stakeholders can do more successfully. A collective effort of this kind will help prove food security in Africa.

Zimbabwe’s road to food security

Furthermore, Zimbabwe’s involvement in this initiative needs government support to transform the nation’s food security system. Zimbabwe needs to take part in the drive to improve food security in Africa. Revolving funds for farmers should be established along with inputs and know-how of best agriculture practices. The aim should be to build sustainable, profitable and productive agriculture ecosystems. This is through schemes like sustainable irrigation systems and encouraging growth of drought resistant crops. Additionally, appropriate crops and livestock for farming regions will contribute towards this transformation. 

Also, youth involvement in agriculture will aid in this drive. It will revolutionise the sector as they are agile and energetic. They are innovative, quick to adapt and tech savvy. Leveraging on programs like these will ensure a sustainable food system in Zimbabwe ensuring food security. Moreover, Zimbabwean youths are keen to ensure not only a food secure future, but social, economic and health security as well. This is part of the bigger picture African youths are creating for a better and more resilient Africa. The younger generation will contribute towards food security in Africa if they are guided accordingly. Zimbabwe’s vision 2030 can be achieved if it focuses on agriculture and ensuring food security.

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