Business & Economy

ZIDA’s Economic Contributions: Boosting Zimbabwe’s Growth

ZIDA’s Purpose, Mandate and Current Work

The Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency (ZIDA) is a vital institution driving economic growth and development in Zimbabwe. Established in 2020, ZIDA plays a crucial role in attracting investments, promoting economic development and enhancing the country’s competitiveness. ZIDA’s economic contributions will bear fruits as their focus on investment will improve the nation’s GDP.

ZIDA’s Initiatives: Purpose and Mandate

ZIDA’s primary purpose is to promote and facilitate investments in Zimbabwe. Its mandate includes attracting domestic and foreign investments and providing investment facilitation services. It also includes promoting economic development and growth as well as enhancing Zimbabwe’s competitiveness. Finally, it encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. All of this shows ZIDA’s economic contributions aim to revive the nation’s economic standing.

ZIDA’s Economic Contributions: Current Work

ZIDA is currently engaged in various initiatives to boost Zimbabwe’s economy. It is currently working on investment promotion and facilitation. Also, development of special economic zones is in its pipeline as well as the enhancement of the ease of doing business. Additionally, capacity building and training for entrepreneurs is part of this scope of work. Finally, but not in conclusion, the agency is facilitating trade and investment missions. Also, the agency’s digital platform offers a do-it-yourself licensing portal. It enables investors to access their licenses remotely and independently.

ZIDA’s Economic Contributions

ZIDA’s efforts contributes significantly to Zimbabwe’s economic growth, with notable achievements. These achievements are in investment inflows. Here, ZIDA has attracted significant investments in various sectors, including mining, manufacturing and tourism. It also contributes towards job creation. ZIDA’s initiatives is creating significant jobs across various industries.

Furthermore, economic growth is trickling in from these contributions. The agency’s contributions are boosting Zimbabwe’s GDP growth rate. Lastly, it is fostering competitiveness which is ideal for any functioning economy. ZIDA’s initiatives are enhancing Zimbabwe’s competitiveness therefore improving the country’s ranking in global indices.


ZIDA’s economic contributions have been significant, and the agency continues to play a vital role in driving Zimbabwe’s economic growth and development. its purpose, mandate and current work is to improve the nation’s economy. Therefore, this will improve Zimbabwe’s GDP and also improve the socio-economic status of citizens.

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